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Tips on Designing Effectve Navigation for Website Design


Website navigation is the most important aspect to consider while designing a website. The primary aim for effective navigation is get your visitors to stay in your site and also for visitors to easily find what they are looking for easily and quickly. The website is a source of providing access on the internet for information.  The best way to provide that information is with simple navigation of the website.
Designing effective navigation can also entice your visitors to try out the other things you offer on your site. In this article we will discuss some of the basic ideas you need to follow while designing the navigation of a website.

Easy to understand : Make sure your links easy to understand and well organized..  Visitors need to know where they will go on clicking on a particular link, so make sure your links are understandable .Visitors should be easily able to find what they are looking for under different categories.

Use HTML for Better Website Navigation:One of the best tips to improve your website navigation is to use HTML as much as you can. Instead of using Flash, which often becomes quite problematic, slow and inefficient, adopting HTML provides users a more user-friendly and easy-to-use interface.

Navigation Consistency:A web site's navigation design should be simple. More importantly, with the possible exception of the home page, the navigation system should be consistent throughout the entire website, on every web page navigation element. Uniformity, orgainization and carefully planned design are key principles to developing an effective web site navigation system that will help your website users browse your site efficiently and confidently.

Avoid Irrelevant links: Time is precious and if your visitor is spending time in your website then let them feel they haven't wasted their time.If you clutter with all the irrelevant links in your website it will not only look unorganized but also least desired by your visitors. Have all the pertinent links in your website, which can be utilized by your potential visitors.

Avoid Horizontal Scrolling: Horizontal scrolling is the very definition of irritating. It also happens to be somewhat time consuming due to the absence of a horizontal wheel on the average mouse. Avoid horizontal scrolling at all costs.

Sitemaps for navigation: Part of a good website navigation is using a sitemap. Place your sitemap link on an area that it can easily be found. A sitemap displays your website’s link structure as an easy to read list. Sitemaps are generally more helpful for sites with a lot of pages, but are a good thing to have even if you do not have a lot of links. Providing visitors with a sitemap can simplify their browsing experience.

Conclusion:  Keeping these basic points in mind you can go ahead and design an effective navigation system for your site. Another good idea would be to use eye-catching visuals and small chunks of information to draw visitors to click on a link. By following these tips you'll convert website traffic into paying customers. That's a return on investment your business can appreciate, in any economy.

1 comment:

  1. you have given very simple but effective tips. Very nice post. Thanks for sharing.
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